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This Site is Temporarily in Maintenance Mode

Hackers defaced this site and several others on this server recently, so I have locked down the old WordPress theme I had been using. I had customized it pretty heavily back before such changes could easily be propagated to via theme updates, so things may look a little spare around here until I can get […]

Southeast Freshwater Biodiversity Strategy

I recently coordinated a project between the UGA River Basin Center and the great folks at the Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute to develop a prioritization for aquatic conservation in the Southeast. We used museum records, state natural heritage data, and even some individual researchers’ personal collections to develop range maps for almost 1,050 species of […]

What's it to ya'?

I’ll be adding more information to this site, shortly. The plan is for it to be a place for me to play around with Word Press and post portfolio material: CVs, links to sites I’ve designed, etc. The sites that other people pay for are likely to be better examples of my work, since cobblers’ […]